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Philip Lubin: Enabling the First Interstellar Missions with Integrated Photonics and Electronics
Photonic Propulsion for Relativistic Flight Enabling the First Interstellar Missions Philip Lubin
Day 2 Ses 3 | Phil Lubin - Directed Energy & Power Projection for Rapid Deep Space and Interstellar
2-3 Dr. Philip Lubin - Directed Energy Propulsion & Power Beaming: Mature Technology
Philip Lubin: A space-based array for planetary defense
Philip Lubin: Breakthrough Discuss 2017
Directed Energy Arrays — And Nematodes in Space Part II — With Philip Lubin and Joel Rothman
From Here to the Stars Episode 3: Philip Lubin
Scaling, Economics, and Applications of Beamed Energy Systems to Spacecraft (with Dr. Lubin)
19. Achieving Interstellar Capability
Planetary Defense Conference 2015 Lubin and Brashears
Large Scale Directed Energy for Relativistic Flight